Policies and Procedures
Yearly Schedule and Calendar
Generally speaking, lessons occur once per week. Students can choose between 30 minute, 45 minute, or 60 minute lessons. Students will be charged on the first of the month for that month’s lessons. The monthly prices are as follows: $125 – weekly 30 minute lessons; $187.50 – weekly 45 minute lessons; $250 – weekly 60 minute lessons.
When students first register, there will be a $10 non-refundable registration fee in addition to the monthly prices listed above.
We will close the following weeks through out the year: CMCSS Spring Break, the last week of May (Memorial Day week), the week of July 4th, CMCSS Fall Break, the last week of the year and the first week of the new year.
Monthly tuition prices will remain the same each month regardless of these closings. Each month has roughly 4 weeks of instruction available, except for the months of May and December, for a total of 46 possible lessons throughout the year. The additional fees for May and December will go to support our recitals to cover costs such as facility usage fees, pay for teachers attending and helping out with the recitals, and purchasing of favors for students at the recitals. Participation in the recitals is not mandatory, but is strongly encouraged. There will not be a discount offered to students who choose not to participate in the recitals.
We will have formal recitals the second weekend of May and the second weekend of December each year. There will also be other less formal performance opportunities offered throughout the year. Public performance is an important part of learning any musical instrument, so participation in recitals or other performance opportunities will be strongly encouraged.
When students register, they choose their weekly lesson time from the available times for their preferred instructor. Please note, however, that many of our instructors are Austin Peay State University students. Their schedules will likely change a little each semester. In addition, many teachers and students travel or have other summer plans during the summer that would prevent them from offering or attending lessons at their regular weekly time. If a teacher’s schedule is going to change, we will give current students two weeks to choose a new lesson time from the available times before making that teacher’s schedule available to the public.
Please refer to the online calendar at exit1pianolessons.com for any important dates, such as expected closings and the expected date for the recitals. These dates will also be communicated by email to registered students.
The instructor reserves the right to change the calendar at any time due to unforeseen circumstances. Each instructor may also have different dates that they are unavailable. Please check with your instructor if you have any questions. The online calendar will always be the most up to date with any changes, and changes will be emailed to registered students.
Students should register online using the registration form on the website or the same form requested through email.
A separate registration form should be filled out for each student – i.e. in the case of siblings or a child and parent who both wish to take lessons.
Students who wish to take lessons for more than one instrument will need to fill out a separate form per instrument and pay a registration fee for each instrument.
The registration form must be filled out before lessons can begin.
Registration will be open year-round except during the months of May and December.
If you wish to start lessons in the middle of a month, the system can prorate the prices for you based on your start date.
Respect for Instruments and Equipment
Students should respect all instruments and equipment provided for their use during lessons.
If an instrument is damaged by a student during a lesson, the student or their parent/guardian will be responsible for any repair or replacement costs.
Lessons will not continue until this cost has been paid.
Refusal the pay for repairs will lead to the immediate discontinuation of lessons.
Attendance Policy and Make-up Lessons
Each student will have an exclusive weekly time reserved in the studio schedule for their lesson. In the event that a student must miss a regularly scheduled lesson, the instructor should be given at least 24 hour notice through text, email, or phone call for the lesson to be eligible for a make-up lesson.
Only in the case of an emergency or illness will less than 24 hour notice be acceptable.
Regardless of the reason for the missed lesson, students will only be eligible for one make-up lesson per month. This make-up lesson credit will be valid for 60 days only. Any make-up lessons should be taken care of within that time frame.
There will not be a make-up lesson provided for a make-up lesson. For example, if a student schedules a make-up lesson and forgets to come, they will not receive a make-up lesson for that time.
In the event that no notice is given for a missed lesson, the lesson will not be eligible for a make-up lesson. In addition, if a student is a no-call, no-show for three lessons, it will be assumed that the student has withdrawn from the studio.
In the event that the instructor must miss a regularly scheduled lesson for any reason, students or parents will be notified via text, email, or phone call as soon as possible. Lessons cancelled by the instructor will be made up whenever possible.
Each instructor will schedule their own make-up lessons. Each instructor will offer one make-up lesson day per month. Some instructors may prefer to schedule make-up lessons as the need arises. Please check with your instructor to schedule make-up lessons.
We will also allow for two (2) inclement weather days every six months. That is, two (2) inclement weather days from January-June, and two (2) inclement weather days from July-December. If the director closes the entire school due to inclement weather, teachers will not be required to make-up those lessons. These days will only apply if the instructor closes the entire school due to inclement weather. If a student or teacher cancels due to inclement weather, but the school as a whole remains open, those lessons should still be made-up whenever possible.
When scheduling other activities throughout the semester, please make sure that they do not interfere with your lesson time. We are not able to provide refunds if lessons have to be discontinued due to a different activity being scheduled during your agreed upon lesson time. You are welcome to work with your teacher to find a different lesson time that will work, or to find a time with a different teacher in the event that this happens.
We will make the months of June and July optional for students without losing their spot in the studio, as many students and teachers travel or have other summer plans during those months. However, students must respond to any surveys about their options over the summer in a timely manner, or their card will continue to be charged during those months. We will not be able to provide a refund if your card is charged for June or July, and you did not respond to our survey about your availability for those months.
We will also hold a student’s spot in the studio for one (1) month in addition to June and July during a one (1) year period if the student needs to put lessons on hold for an illness, extensive travel, etc.
Please note that there are designated weeks when the studio will be closed throughout the year. These weeks are not included as part of your tuition and there will be no make-up lessons for those weeks. These weeks will be clearly marked on the online calendar.
Withdrawing from the Studio
The first month of lessons can be considered a trial if a student is uncertain about lessons. The student or parents/guardians MUST inform office staff in writing before the 1st of the next month if the student does not wish to continue lessons. There will be no refunds for the first month of lessons should the student decide to quit before the first month is over. Additionally, if office staff is not informed of the student’s desire to quit before the 1st of the next month, the card on file will be charged. We will not be able to provide a refund in this case. Example: John begins lessons in the month of September. He realizes after two lessons that he does not wish to continue lessons. John informs the office staff that he will discontinue lessons in October before October 1st to ensure that his card is not charged for October.
Once the student is established in the instructor’s schedule, students or parents must inform the office staff in writing of their intention to withdraw from the studio on the 1st of the month before they wish to withdraw. Example: Mary is moving in the month of June. She informs the office staff that she will discontinue lessons in the month of June before May 1st to ensure that her card is not charged for June.
Before making the decision to withdraw, please communicate any problems with the instructor or the director to see if a different solution can be found!